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There are several different skills that are necessary for people to be successful in STEM -and these skills can be learned in many ways from the classroom to self-learning online. The key to improving one’s STEM skills is to really understand the skills that are necessary to a STEM student’s future success. One important skill that is important to STEM students is the ability to think critically and make logical conclusions after analyzing information. This leads to the next important STEM skill of analysis, which involves breaking down information into small components which is very useful for determining how data can affect projects or experiments.

Another important skill necessary to STEM is problem-solving, which involves being able to identify an issue and take the steps necessary to fix that issue. With the skill of problem-solving, people can be sure to think of ways to overcome any obstacle there is. STEM students should also be skilled in mathematics because math can help STEM students solve even the most complex problems and formulas. STEM students will also need to know all about the scientific method because it includes the entire process of recognizing a problem, hypothesizing about the answer to that problem, testing that hypothesis with an experiment, figuring out the data from the test results, and creating a conclusion based on the entire experiment.

STEM students should also improve their knowledge and literacy of technology and software programs since the world seems to be turning into a place of technology more and more. It is also important for STEM students to have good memory skills to help them excel on tests and in any situation that involves remembering important information like equations and formulas. STEM students must also be open to feedback and constructive criticism from their mentors and professors so that they can ensure they are learning and growing efficiently. It is important for all STEM students to improve any areas of STEM they are lacking in. Students can improve their STEM skills by finding a mentor to provide support and guidance, joining a STEM club to learn more and meet like-minded people, participate in STEM competitions, and look up new information online because there are always so many learning tools available on the Internet.