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What are Microschools?

What are Microschools?

The COVID pandemic has affected every area of life, and schooling for children has seen some of the most significant changes. One model that has emerged in recent years is microschooling. What exactly are microschools? Here are five characteristics that distinguish...
Scholarships For Adult Students

Scholarships For Adult Students

If you are considering attending college as an adult and applying for financial aid, you may be a bit overwhelmed about where to even begin, but you are in luck. There are countless scholarships, grants, and other resources readily available all around you – you...
Tips for Avoiding Burnout in College

Tips for Avoiding Burnout in College

The workload you face in college will be much larger than you had in high school. Adjusting to the extra studying and projects can be extremely difficult for some students. It may even lead to getting emotionally and physically burned out. You will have an even harder...
Preventing Bullying in Your Classroom

Preventing Bullying in Your Classroom

Bullying is a horrible issue in many schools. Every student deserves an enjoyable learning experience, and no one should feel unwelcome or afraid at school because of bullies. These are some ways for teachers to prevent bullying in their classrooms. Do not be afraid...